
Movie Title

Talk To Her

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Tao of Steve, The

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Third Man, The

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To Catch a Thief

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Training Day

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Transformers 2

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Transporter, The

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Treasure Planet

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Trembling Before G-d

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True Romance

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Tadpole  (2002)      

8.5 /10

Mini-DV feature with entertaining story of extremely bright 15 year old in love with his stepmother. Aaron Stanford plays titular character perfectly and rest of cast is equally as effective. Good example of video being shot like film and working.  [English, 78min, PG-13]

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Talk To Her  (2002)      

5 /10

Highly misleading marketing never hints at off putting subject matter: two emotionally disturbed men develop friendship in a hospital, each in love with a comatose woman. One is a gay male nurse, who’s obsession with his patient leads to a bizarre revelation, ultimately destroying sympathy for either character. Only a self contained, visually inspired sex scene truly works, leaving the rest an unsatisfying attempt at difficult drama.  [Spanish, 112min, R]

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The Tao of Steve  (2000)      

7.5 /10

Rather generic premise helped tremendously by excellent performance of Donald Logue (one of Blade's best aspects) who creates a thoroughly likable character. Clever dialogue adds to the mix along with good supporting cast.  [English, 87min, R]

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Tape  (2001)      

9 /10

Excellent claustrophobic character study with Ethan Hawke at his very best in vibrant role. Surprisingly intense considering simplicity of set up, which involves a single location and an old high school incident brought back to surface. Dynamic between Hawke, Leonard, and eventually Thurman is superior example of dialogue, acting, and directing. Cinematography fully makes use of highly portable DV camera (although at times TOO much).  [English., 86min, R]

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The Third Man  (1949)      

8 /10

For nearly half it’s running time, a disappointingly drab whodunit…then Orson Welles emerges from the shadows, in spectacular character entrance fashion, and the film builds to a masterful final act. Incredibly rich B&W cinematography makes full use of war-torn Vienna, as during climactic Harry Lime sewer chase (a nugget of cinematic perfection) and hauntingly memorable final shot. Drama is surprisingly enhanced by upbeat music score.   [English, 93min, NR]

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To Catch a Thief  (1955)      

6 /10

Slight Hitchcock, starring the utterly charming "George Clooney prototype" Carey Grant as a retired thief on tale of a competitor attempting to frame him. Despite being made during Hitch's more flashy phase, this light suspense romance glides along without much incident. Highlights include star lip locking intercut with a fireworks display, a playful cliff side car chase, and of course, the very sexy Grace Kelly. French Riviera makes for an attractive setting.  [English, 106min, NR]

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Training Day  (2000)            

7 /10

Denzel Washington wisely takes leave of absence from wholesome roles, here chewing through scenes as muscle car driving, leather coat & silver chain wearing "bad cop." Ethan Hawke is good here as newly assigned rookie partner who has an eye opener of a day (though Oscar nod is questionable). Plot enters familiar territory often and has share of contrivances, but Denzel injects enough energy with his dangerous, unpredictable character to push story past looser sections.   [English, 120min, R]

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Transformers 2  (2009)            

4.5 /10

Indisputable proof that “moderation” is a word absent from Michael Bay’s vocabulary. His bloated, sensory assaulting sequel is like a 200 million dollar Mountain Dew commercial with robots; all adrenaline, testosterone and explosions. LaBeouf dedicates himself more than material deserves while Fox, outfitted in self-cleaning white denim, appears to have wandered off a porn set. Entertaining in short bursts but ultimately sabotaged by it’s own relentless stupidity and incomprehensibility.  [English, 150min, PG-13]  6/09

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The Transporter  (2002)            

4 /10

Direct-to-video garbage pretending to be a theater contender. Begins ok with blatant care chase rip off of The Hire (a series of online promo shorts for BMW). Then the "plot" starts, and it never recovers. Action sequences are a redundant, quick cutting blur, separated by dreadfully dull character interaction. Jason Statham deserves much better than a stereotyped Chinese love interest using Britney Spears school of acting; music score is TV level cheese.   [English, 94min, R]

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Treasure Planet  (2002)            

3 /10

Yet more proof that Disney is mediocre at best when not teamed with Pixar. Cliché ridden remake/update of 'Treasure Island' has all the markings of direct to video fair minus slick computer aided sequences. Sad to see a studio that once set standards for traditional animation, here throwing stale dialogue on a recycled, often idiotic story. Comic relief, provided by Martin Short as B.E.N. the malfunctioning robot, nearly reaches "Jar Jar" level of annoyance.  [English, 95min, PG]

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Trembling Before G-d  (2001)            

6.5 /10

Documentary's only insight is that being homosexual and a practicing Jew absolutely sucks. No real answers are given to the dilemma and if anything, it shows how absurd restrictions of religion can be. Mostly silhouetted lesbians skews perspective to gay men.   [English, 84min, NR]

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True Romance  (1993)            

9 /10

Often called the best Tarantino film Tarantino didn't direct, though a pre-"chaos vision" Tony Scott delivers on material. Dream team ensemble of character actors surround an Elvis channeling Christian Slater in perhaps his last decent starring role. A dreadlocked Gary Oldman goes for broke, James Gandolfini oozes playful menace, and Brad Pitt's stoner is a riot. Now classic mano-a-mano between Christopher Waken and Dennis Hopper is about as good as it gets.  [English, 121min, R]  6/09

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