


Pretty Models All In A Row

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REVIEW SCORE:     10     9      8      7      6      5      4     3      2     1     0

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Broken  (2005)      

1.5 /10

Once the novelty surrounding the heavily touted can-you-believe-we-made-this-for-only-$8,000 budget  wears off (which is fast), director Alex Ferrari's short movie reveals itself as a poorly written, amateurishly acted, nauseatingly pretentious attempt at achieving "cool," while exhibiting no concept of what that means. From the inexplicably quirky characters, to the smug "what it real?" ending, this is discount-bin Indy filmmaking through and through (despite what Roger Ebert may have to say).  [English, 20min, NR]

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Crossroads  (2002)      

1.5 /10

This movie proved three things: 1) Britney can NOT act; period, 2) Hollywood has FAR worse screenplays than I ever imagined, and 3) Dan Aykroyd  needs Ghostbusters 3 for any chance of a career comeback.  [English, 93min, PG-13]

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Dreamcatcher  (2003)      

1.5 /10

Astronomically disastrous book adaptation tosses watered down versions of Stand By Me and Alien into a blender, switch set on "obliterate." Focus of King's novel on unique bond among life long friends is traded for rehashed sci-fi gore. Ironically, onset of incoherence begins after the film’s most memorable characters are killed off (including a perfectly cast Jason Lee). Only a handful of minor scenes make worthy translation to big screen.  [English, 134min, R]

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Pretty Models All  in a Row  (1969)            

1.5 /10

Ed Wood's last starring role is in this late 60's piece of trash centered around an intercourse-free orgy that manages to last nearly an hour. Like going to a strip club where the girls don't take off their tops: pointless.  [English, 63min, R]

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