Bad Lieutenant



Four Rooms

I Am Sam

Nicholas Nickleby

Recruit, The

Transformers 2

Transporter, The






REVIEW SCORE:     10     9      8      7      6      5      4     3      2     1     0

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Bad Lieutenant  (1992)      

4.5 /10

Self indulgent character study of an appalling cop who finds redemption after a nun is raped. Keitel's performance is compelling yet many scenes are gratuitous (including full frontal) and film's later half drags it down considerably.   [English, 96min, NC-17]

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Cherish  (2002)      

4 /10

A massive stylistic identity crisis obsessed with not being a 'normal' romantic comedy; instead just plain weird. First 10 minutes has the right feel, then movie changes tone never looking back, leaving audience in dust.  [English, 99min, R]

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Dragonfly  (2002)      

4 /10

Dud of a thriller for Kevin Costner who holds title for "most consistent bad actor" in Hollywood. Blatantly obvious "clues" to unlocking plot insult intelligence; forced dialogue and jumpy pacing don't help matters. A Dancing With Wolves sequel must be looking pretty good about now.  [English, 104min, PG-13]

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Four Rooms  (1995)      

4 /10

Complete misfire of novel idea: four directors do four short films all connected by one character. Only two parts mostly succeed (those by Rodriguez and Tarantino); Tim Roth is spastic in his paper thin bell-boy role but Antonio Banderas gives fun performance as overbearing father. Coulda been a contender if talent involved had been better utilized.  [English, 98min, R]

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I Am Sam  (2001)      

4 /10

"I am a contrived, manipulative, overlong movie who's entire plot has no regard for credibility" It's utterly depressing to think of how good Penn would be in a GOOD "retard movie." Not even his best scene of drama can escape being undermined by horrendous editing. Plus side: Dakota Fanning is exceptionally cute and Michelle Pfeiffer still looks great.  [English, 132min, PG-13]

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Nicholas Nickleby  (2002)      

4 /10

There is a serious problem when a movie’s most engaging emotional conflict involves a secondary character’s secret dance step (no, this is not a musical). Fifth graders performing Shakespeare would have been more convincing than forced acting found here, most notably that of title character. Only Nathan Lane manages to make impression amidst this snail paced old-English drivel, aside from the highly quotable bad dialogue.  [English, 132min, PG]

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The Recruit  (2003)      

4.5 /10

Strictly by the numbers spy "thriller" confirms Pacino’s taking too many classes at The DeNiro School of Phoning in Performances. Features not one, but two unexplained code-named computer programs, a CIA training facility with video game mentality, and a predictable "questioning reality" plot done infinitely better elsewhere (ex: The Game). Colin Farrell, intense eyes and all, still struggles to find a role equal to impressive breakthrough in Tigerland.  [English, 115min, PG-13]

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Transformers 2  (2009)            

4.5 /10

Indisputable proof that “moderation” is a word absent from Michael Bay’s vocabulary. His bloated, sensory assaulting sequel is like a 200 million dollar Mountain Dew commercial with robots; all adrenaline, testosterone and explosions. LaBeouf dedicates himself more than material deserves while Fox, outfitted in self-cleaning white denim, appears to have wandered off a porn set. Entertaining in short bursts but ultimately sabotaged by it’s own relentless stupidity and incomprehensibility.  [English, 150min, PG-13]  6/09

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The Transporter  (2002)            

4 /10

Direct-to-video garbage pretending to be a theater contender. Begins ok with blatant care chase rip off of The Hire (a series of online promo shorts for BMW). Then the "plot" starts, and it never recovers. Action sequences are a redundant, quick cutting blur, separated by dreadfully dull character interaction. Jason Statham deserves much better than a stereotyped Chinese love interest using Britney Spears school of acting; music score is TV level cheese.   [English, 94min, R]

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