Anger Management


Chronicles of Narnia, The


Double Take

Femme Fatale

Freddy Got Fingered

John Q

Saving Silverman

We Were Soldiers




REVIEW SCORE:     10     9      8      7      6      5      4     3      2     1     0

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  UV  W  XYZ

Anger Management  (2003)      

3.5 /10

How do you botch a comedy with the likes of Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler and the underused, talented, cute-as-a-button Marisa Tomei? Give ‘em an insipid script dripping in juvenile mediocrity that milks it’s potential filled premise strictly for superficiality, and then ends using one of the top 10 romantic clichés of all time. The brightest scenes are those featuring veteran actors Turturro and Guzmán, along with a few other inspired cameos (minus Giuliani’s).   [English, 106min, PG-13]

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Cars  (2006)      

3 /10

Imagine a future where automobiles develop artificial intelligence, annihilate all human beings, and absorb our history and culture as their own. That's the unseen prologue to CarsPixar's first disappointment, and a joyless, boring, overlong, insultingly superficial one at that. Owen Wilson fizzles as NASCAR star car while Larry the Cable Guy gets better mileage out of his loveable redneck pickup. So infuriatingly contrived and illogical (even flies are tiny cars!) that any enjoyment is lost in the fumes.  [English, 116min, G]

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The Chronicles of Narnia  (2005)      

3 /10

Only thing chronicled in this film is a constant insult to the intelligence of audience, unless one is blinded by childhood love for source material. Directed with ambition of a TV movie, written with junkyard full of cliché, clunky dialogue, and featuring stiff, forgettable child performances, this “family fantasy film” fails miserably in shadow LOTR has cast on genre (never mind the hammy religious allegory). Tilda Swinton as White Witch and choice animal SFX are only positive.   [English, 140min, PG]

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Daredevil  (2003)      

3.5 /10

Darkest comic book adaptation since Batman suffers from a monumental casting disaster (Farrell as Bullseye is "you’ve got to be f-ing kidding me" ridiculous), a "wannabe-Spiderman" origination story, and dialogue bad enough to rival Episode II. Gets points for a blind, pill popping superhero and wisecrackin’ Jon Favreau, but grounded approach is futile when characters randomly defy physics. Works best during an early bar room fight.  [English, 103min, PG-13]

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Double Take  (2001)      

3 /10

Double misfire. Orlando Jones is better than this pathetic attempt at a comedy, or movie for that matter, in which he plays a Wall Street player who must trade identities with a street hustler (Griffin, in overly-obnoxious mode) after being framed for assassinating a Mexican governor  and blah, blah, blah...don't waste your time.  [English, 88min, PG-13]

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Femme Fatale  (2002)      

3 /10

Gratuity at it’s finest. Ventures back to sex heavy thrillers of late 70's, early 80's (familiar territory for De Palma) as an excuse to give the body of Rebecca Romijn-Stamos ample screen time. Bravado opening sequence makes good use of operatic score and slick intercutting to build tension, not to mention a hot lesbian encounter. Plot then ranges from the utterly ridiculous to laughable silliness, topped off with a "you can’t be serious" twist ending.  [English, 114min, R]

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Freddy Got Fingered  (2001)      

3 /10

Not the film travesty it was made out to be (I DID laugh a few times) but certainly not a contribution to quality cinema. Tom Green's arguably funny TV antics are mostly lost in this big budget upgrade. Best scene involves a messy child birth that is so tasteless and exaggerated that you can't help but be amused by the lunacy of it all.  [English, 87min, R]

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John Q  (2002)      

3 /10

What a mess! Sets a new standard for defying plausibility with a laughable and manipulative plot desperately trying to be a GOOD hostage film. Denzel has got to find material that more consistently matches his acting ability ASAP. Attempts at providing social commentary on US health care system are pathetic, helped little by stereotyped characters with actions that are frequently  plain stupid.  [English, 116min, PG-13]

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Saving Silverman  (2001)      

3 /10

Stupid, stupid, STUPID movie! An utter mess despite talented comedic actors and some scattered funny moments. Neil Diamond is major focus in story and seems to be enjoying himself in borderline embarrassing cameo. If not for the sugar-high antics of Jack Black it would be nearly unwatchable (he also teachers the valuable lesson that when eating nachos and melted cheese, ALL the chips stuck to one you took are yours). Deep stuff.  [English, 96min, R]

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We Were Soldiers  (2002)      

3 /10

"Ok I got it: take the most overused war clichés in the history of film, toss them into a Vietnam story staring Mel Gibson, skip characterization, have lots of people get shot unexpectedly, blow things up with Napalm, don't bother explaining the battle, kill everyone except for you-know-who, drench it in patriotism, and then have Mel tear up in the end! What do ya say?" - "Let's make it!"  [English, 138min, R]

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